Amplify BlackSwan Tech & Treasury ETF

Fund Details

Data as of: N/A
Ticker QSWN
Inception 12/9/2021
Primary Exchange NYSE Arca
CUSIP 032108755
Net Assets N/A
Shares Outstanding N/A
# of Holdings (view all holdings)N/A
Expense Ratio: N/A

Fund Characteristics

Weighted Avg. Market Cap N/A
Price-to-earnings N/A
Price-to-book N/A
Standard deviation N/A

Standard deviation measures how dispersed returns are around the average. A higher standard deviation indicates that returns are spread out over a larger range of values and thus, more volatile.

Index Details

Index Name S-Network BlackSwan Tech & Treasury Index
Index Ticker QSWNXT
Index Provider S-Network Global Indexes
Rebalance Frequency Semi-Annual (Jun & Dec)
Index Website S-Network BlackSwan Tech & Treasury Total Return Index
Index Methodology

Index Stats

QSWNXT Nasdaq- 100 TR
Standard Deviation* N/A N/A
Sharpe Ratio* N/A N/A
QSWNXT vs. Nasdaq- 100 TR
Upside Capture Ratio N/A
Downside Capture Ratio N/A
Correlation N/A
Beta N/A
* annualized All stats are of monthly periodicity from N/A through N/A Stats are updated on a monthly basis

Standard deviation measures how dispersed returns are around the average. A higher standard deviation indicates that returns are spread out over a larger range of values and thus, more volatile.

Sharpe ratio measures the performance of an investment compared to a risk-free asset, after adjusting for its risk. It is defined as the difference between the returns of the investment and the risk-free return, divided by the standard deviation of the investment.

Upside capture ratio measures the percentage of market gains captured by a manager when markets are up. Downside capture ratio measures the percentage of market losses endured by a manager when markets are down.

Correlation is a statistic that measures the degree to which two securities move in relation to each other.

Beta is a measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of an investment in comparison to the unsystematic risk of a market benchmark index.

Why Invest in QSWN?

  • Participation in the Nasdaq 100 returns while seeking to protect against significant losses.
  • Potential core solution that seeks to mitigate the effects of volatility.
  • Low-cost, index-based portfolio.

Objective and Strategy

QSWN seeks investment results that correspond to the S-Network BlackSwan Tech & Treasury Index (the Index). The Index’s investment strategy seeks exposure to the Nasdaq 100 (with no artificial cap), while also protecting against significant losses. Approximately 90% of QSWN is invested in U.S. Treasury securities, and approximately 10% is invested in QQQ options in the form of in-the-money calls.


Data as of: TBD
Distribution Frequency Quarterly 30-Day SEC Yield** TBD
Distribution Rate* TBD

* The Distribution Rate is computed as the normalized current distribution (annualized) over NAV per share. In addition to net interest income, distributions may include capital gains and return of capital (ROC). Please click here for more information.

** 30-Day SEC Yield is a standard yield calculation developed by the Securities and Exchange Commission that allows for fairer comparisons among bond funds. It is based on the most recent month end. This figure reflects the interest earned during the period after deducting the Fund’s expenses for the period.

NAV and Market Price

Data as of: N/A
Previous Day's NAV Previous Day's Market Price
Net Asset Value N/A Closing Price N/A
Daily Change N/A Daily Change N/A
% Daily Change N/A % Daily Change N/A
30-Day Median Bid/Ask Spread N/A Premium/Discount % N/A
Premium Discount History

Daily Price/NAV Performance

Data as of: N/A

Fund Holdings

Data as of: N/A
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